Friday, February 4, 2011

Toe Shortening For Men Canada


It took a while to get used to the heat of Perth, nn only in the sense of friendship but also in the real heat here ... scorching temperatures that reach 40 ..... that was what we wanted to instill after the rains and freschino Melbourne. Nn I stop now even more about each party that are involved and the new knowledge that you do, who follows the blog knows by now that style of life in this hemisphere is composed of all this, that there is a weekend without mine photonics, an evening or a boring day spent doing nothing. It is also the thing I like most about Australia, if you're bored is why you decided. You have dozens of opportunities to do what you want ....
With this in mind in these last two weeks my thoughts have started to keep me awake at night. The main reason why I left Italy was this great dream to live and travel in this continent .... I wanted to see the kangaroos and surf at sunset ... I wanted to lead to exhaustion and sleep under the starry sky over the my life .... I wanted to prove to myself that this must not remain a dream forever. Those who know me know what I'm talking about ... my life was rather normal until a couple of years ago .... home, work, car, motorcycle, girlfriend, holidays .... grew up in a family No one has ever made me miss anything, the difficulties I often had to face were mostly simple cases of life .... but nevertheless, my biggest challenge was to look in the mirror in the morning and say that sooner or later I had to give up my dream. So according to many I could be happy even in Italy, the classic phrase that we now feel we repeat travelers to the bitter end "what do you think, if you have problems or running away from something you'll be happy even there No ".... .. Now we smile over .... and humbly apologize.
You were right all of you who were saying this .... you were right because sometimes follow a dream can only become a disguise to get away from the problems and try to put our heads in the sand holding my breath, hoping that when it re-emerges there are no more. Going on this adventure for me was the most apt of the world, maybe somebody can follow me nn at this point, turn to say that I nn I knew if I was running or not ... everyone told me it was fucked up and than live like a gypsy for two years you could certainly see some beautiful places but at what price. Well .... here in the end I understood what my problems.
In my whole life to me nn my family is always present.
When I was a kid and I went in I never cried colony nn x homesick if I went around for more than a few days with friends or sleeping I never felt the need to call home when I went on vacation if I kimono their otherwise good No I would never have done. The moment I moved to Emilia, return once a month was what I had imposed on it and what I weighed nn, nn but I would not even return ongi weighed three .... No I never made a meaningful gift anyone has of my cousins \u200b\u200band some even have been a lot of nos ... me and my brother Veronica that I even gave the name nn almost know what to say. With my father and my mother by phone but there is much talk in the last two years I think I called them once on skype my own free will, moreover, had always had them make me feel wanted. I could adare forward three days to list aspects of my life that have made me a perfect uncaring.
But now something has changed ... now I just got uh .... now I'm happy inside ... nn nn that before you were, but now I know what made me dream away from home. I know that after three times I saw my mother shoot himself 25 hours by plane alone to visit me and see it up on a motor launch on the streets of Bali with a surfboard tied to the side ... she must ' be really happy to see me ..... I know that my father who has never traveled nn in his life, he thought that Skype was the name of a singer and I was bored doing everything to make me understand that if I wanted he could help me in every way to find a job just to build me a life after two years ... so that nn I see it, one day I heard him say ok we are booking a ticket in America we do coast to coast in the States ...... he must be really happy to see me again, I think No one thing has never believed this fatibile. My sister, super chick, that even the GPS goes to the machine no more than thirty miles from home ... never traveled alone or known someone who spoke his language nn .... one day I had the idea of send home one of the best things that ever happened to me in Australia ... and I sent Jessica a friend .. when I received the news that day were written before his arrival and continued to do so ... even after I knew it was just a matter of time .... before departed from his credit card to pay for a plane ticket to London for her .... I'm sure that was pure happiness.
Well now, after all they took a plane to me after I've driven, surfed, sailed and was drunk and I have met wonderful people of all nationalities making friends nn that I never imagined could exist beyond those of ' adolescence .... I just turned down the offer of sponsorship that would allow me to easily obtain residency here in Australia. No I did not because I like to live here ... unlike many other travelers I've been a lucky in my experience ... this has earned the name "backpacker luxury" because we have always sought the best and we have always received more ...
Only I want to return to base with my wealth of experience and new ideas ... I miss my family, I want to know a cousin who I have never seen nn and find the people who made me feel loved even if 15000km away ... now it's my turn to take the plane.

But before we close with a flourish with the journey of life I'm coming U.S. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Papy prepared you demolish it!!


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