Thursday, February 17, 2011

Color Hair Violet Northampton

Santa ...... forgive the bad guys like me! By Alberto

Here I am sitting here at seven in the morning on the wooden table from the sun ruined the garden of my house, at dawn on my last day in Australia, the temperature is already perfect and I'm trying to force myself to find out something special to convey through this blog. Then I wonder what could be more special in the life of an inveterate dreamer, if not to live every day like Christmas . That childish feeling of waking up in the morning and know, to be sure that someone has put something under the tree, when you know that every day of your life is a gift to be discarded with an attached note signed "anonymous" calls you only to make that gift a little bit special. The weather seems to be flown, is a common phrase that every time brings with it a little sadness that x is gone, but for me it is an incentive to live the present with greater intensity.
The day I arrived in Melbourne marked the end of a physical and mental journey that saw me and re-build my horizons and my knowledge. The way I live and interact with people ... they are always the same egocentric and megalomaniac ..... what the Australians call a "show pony", but I learned a lot along this journey and I am happy to be back sometimes to consider aspects of the first things that I would not even worthy of note. That's my nature brought me back to Perth, the city where I spent more time in these years and the place that makes me feel more myself and at the same time makes me want to improve. I should be here to party, according to many, but instead I asked for that party .... I need when the friends I've known over the past two years continue to call and be heard, people who have loved me give their presence at this moment a little bit special, what do I need when traveling the friend with whom I shared everything and I finally said goodbye and left the implementation of other dreams, falls back in front of my house after he recrossed the 'Australia by air, just to embrace me once again .... I do not think have never enjoyed so much in my life, these last few weeks I just relaxed, listening to the scent of the missing friends and family ... cultivating my passion and giving a reason for all this good fortune that has followed me constantly my journey.
E 'was just talking with friends and listening to their opinions and impressions that something is born in me. After being prompted by my father, to meet and take a trip along the way of my return, I was simply placed on a safe idea. Being in America, in Los Angeles and drive into the United States at a time in Chicago along the legendary route 66 "and even then on to New York. When I was talking with friends, I saw all super excited and super happy for my first trip to touch Italian soil. What makes me happy and after buying the guidance of 'America I started to plan my moves a little. Once booked flights to LA and the return flight from NY to Venice, I had more than a month to exploit them in half to build a trip through the States. various maps and maps in hand nn could not decide how to proceed, the days nn fit, the design of this trip I was exhausted, even the night I dreamed for which city would be better to go for nn losing sights. The day I decided to book the car and fix some of the stops and go to the parks, something has happened ... my credit card refused to pay ... and I was stuck with the feeling of being late x the whole book. The next day I went to the bank and tried to fix everything, I tried to book again and again gave my card numbers, but he paid nn. I had to relax a bit and see how I could proceed with these technical problems .... I called Mat and went surfing with a friend of ours who was about to leave for South America .... talking about my travel plans , were both excited and as we said goodbye Matt made a joke that I went to America to make viaggione but that I failed to go to that place where it all began ...... Nn we did in the case and how much each trip, you can nn always see everything ... so I went to breakfast with Peter, the Pope of Jessica, which in turn was about to leave the same day to go for a while you surf on the East Coast as we talked once again .... of my journey of my intentions, telling me that time had gone to America to surf at that .... the place where it all began .... where in the period between December and March all the dreams of direct a surfer ....
Nn I could resist, I had tried to decide at a table, but once again No I was able to choose a journey, but it was he who chose me. As I walked back home under the sun, I felt lighter and relieved ... the joke of Matthew's story of Peter and detonate bombs in my thoughts of happiness .... as I now knew what was the path to follow. The coast to coast across America is something mythical, a route has become a myth that many people dream of making a day in the life .... but nn was my dream ... for me it was just a trip to be programmed.
With a smile ricercai flights and in a few hours I was upset, what is the dream of everyone across America, turning it into my dream ...
I left open internet with the flights to be confirmed .... I wanted to make and receive the benefits of an idea created by the arrival of signals ... I went and watched a concert and fireworks on the beach I thought that probably nothing could be more perfect. I was alone and happy as he once again incaminavo that day I found my way home ... open internet, I confirmed all flights and the credit card was super happy to complete each transaction. At that time they also knocked on the door and I saw Kate x the first time. I was pleased, excited and tremendously happy .... I made my mother of my dreams when he came to visit, making travel in my own way, according to his needs but not caring about its limitations for me are mental obstacles put them eg only be broken one day. aparte about love ... and have always felt thanks for the wonderful momentti passed .... now I'm making my father's part of my dream, after I finished my trip with him, and that I touched the majority of ; most amazing historical sites of the surf in the world ... you will realized how I have lived in recent years and will have a different view of a child who has never known quite possibly nn nn that has never refused to help at every opportunity. Tomorrow I will take my first trip to Kuala Lumpur, where I would have liked to see the Petronas Tower ... and when I talk with friends about my new journey, I see them proud and that light eyes that only those who know they face a dream come true may have.

Papy Met our new tour:

Weekend in Kuala Lumpur (only for me)
We meet in Los Angeles where we will try to meet some celebrities in Hollywood, then head north through the surf coast through Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz to San Francisco where we will stay a few days to relax in front of the magnificent views.
We fly to Las Vegas then maybe diventimao millionaires casino and then drive through the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley and then back to Vegas where instead of the machine eg cross, we have another flight direction Honolulu Hawaii ... I'll take you to see the place where it all comes from the modern surf and experience the famous Hawaiian winter season ... apparently where the waves are always available and all the professionals are there waiting .... After a
settimanina sparimao us another Voletta that will take us through Seattle and then Our final stop in New York .... ... the big apple ....

So I finished my tour of the virtual world, touching all continents and surfing the best waves of the world including Australia, Indonesia, California and Hawaii

Goodbye Australia Have a G'day .. . c ya soon!
Welcome on board!!

Ps hope that Santa Claus is nn get tired of stealing gifts all year.


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