Thursday, October 25, 2007

Whats The Effect Of Orajel On Your Penis


A future memory of when, in 2007 the year of my life, I decided to become a marathon runner ..
January 266.5 km
Week1 (59.8km) Week2 (84.3km) Week3 (64.2km) Week4 (45.4km) Week5 (12.6km)
February 246.3 km
Week6 (79.1km) Week7 ( 72km) Week8 (68.8km) Week9 (64.3km)
March 233.1 km
Week10 (51.5km) Week11 (56.2km) Week12 (29.2km) Week13 (62.1km)
April 179.9 km
Week14 (38.2km) Week15 (57km) Week16 (41.3km) Week17 (39.2km) Week18 (44.7km)
May 181.1 km
Week19 (49.5km) Week20 (34.3km) Week21 (41.8km) Week22 (43km)
June 239.5 km
Week23 (54.3km) Week24 (42.6km) Week25 (63.9km) Week26 (68.4km) July
246.6 km
Week27 (27.8km) Week28 (65.7km) Week29 (50.6km) Week30 (58.2km )
August 261.2 km
Week31 (67.7km) Week32 (46km) Week33 (70.3km) Week34 (51.1km) Week35 (48.4km)
September 235.3 km
Week36 (34.9km) Week37 ( 69km) Week38 (68.7km) Week39 (62.7km)
October 135.6 km ..
Week40 (57km) Week41 (51.2km) Week42 (7.4Km) Week43 (20km) We have passed
km under the shoes, 2225, 168 issues, with hot and cold, rain and wind in 31 occasions I have passed .. the 20km in 4 .. even with my unsteady gait, I have pushed beyond 30 km .. A flood of memories axle
my long preparation, every day different from the misfortunes ..: chills and hypoglycemic, falling ruinous .. hungry dogs, but even many joys inner race shrouded in silence dawns, sunsets and night tours accompanied from the verse of crickets, your love that follows you along the way and for a few hundred yards you run next door to give you Supply ..
E 'was great to chase this dream .. now is the time to share for .. svegliarmi.Martedi Crawling under the shadow of skyscrapers that goal, which many said to be the metaphor of a life away 7000 and 42km.195metri , I want to go too .. I


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