Thursday, October 14, 2010

Abnormal Blood Tests Show Hiv

new appointments this month

Reading Literature Nonexistent

Wednesday October 20, 2010 Hoop all'Hula of Rome will be the reading Let In (Lost carlo project with the participation of Daniela Rindi)

Let's intentions. Interviewer to enter are those (let in) in the literature the literature that will never exist, to admit (let in) that what there is interesting thing to evoke, to value and to remain strictly non-existent, to embark on (let in) a completely free just for the pleasure of playing with the literature, attitude unfortunately increasingly rare. The operation of Let. Interviewer is very simple and accessible to all:

1) Take a literary work as a target, which we appreciate or despise the contrary, and if they alter the way through subtractions, additions or substitutions of letters, anagrams, games words or even for simple assonance. Be in a few words what you want with the original title, provided that it remains quite recognizable in the degree obtained.

2) Proceed the same way with the author's name and / or the publisher (Optional).

3) Given the results of two previous steps (or only the first), can be explained through a review, a synopsis, an essay, a summary, interview, letter, comment or whatever the content of the new book does not exist.

It will thus be written about in a book that does not exist, while avoiding the hassle of really do exist.

Reading Erotic Literature

Sunday, October 17, 2010 at 17 to Black Out Casilina 713, inside of the "Pop Porn" There will be readings of Daniel Rindi with other authors. See poster


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